The Icelandic Nurses' Association (Félag íslenskra hjúkrunarfræðinga) has approximately 4800 members of which 3800 are active. Membership is open to nurses with full nursing qualification and registered by the Icelandic Ministry of Health.
The main purpose of the Association´s Remunerations and Rights division is that nurses´ wages and terms reflect responsibility, education, competencies and experience.
The Icelandic Journal of Nursing is an open access journal that documents advancements in nursing in Iceland, promotes excellence in all varieties of nursing and publishes original peer-reviewed articles.
The Icelandic Nurses Association is pleased to provide access to the Bara tala app to members of its organization who have Icelandic as their second language.
The Icelandic Nurses' Association (Félag íslenskra hjúkrunarfræðinga) has approximately 4500 members of which 3700 are active. Membership is open to nurses with full nursing qualification and registered by the Icelandic Ministry of Health.