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Bara tala

The Icelandic Nurses Association is pleased to provide Bara tala to members of its organization who have Icelandic as their second language.

Bara tala is a digital Icelandic teacher based on artificial intelligence and Icelandic language technology. The app is available on both Google Play and App Store.

Through the use of visual cues and images, users can easily improve their vocabulary, listening skills and functional memory, which gives rise to increased confidence when Icelandic is spoken.

What does Bara tala contain?

A number of Icelandic courses that teach students vocabulary and listening skills and provide them with tools to practice pronunciation and sentences in order to be active participants in in society.

Bara tala is a great tool for nurses in Iceland who have Icelandic as a second language. It is a great and valuable addition to the traditional Icelandic courses.

Go to My pages at, get the app and let's go or as we say láttu vaða og bara tala!