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The Icelandic Journal of Nursing is an open access journal that documents advancements in nursing in Iceland, promotes excellence in all varieties of nursing and publishes original peer-reviewed articles. The journal is published three times a year, in February, June and November.

Editorial policy

The Icelandic Journal of Nursing is published three times a year. The journal is a forum for all members of the Icelandic Nurses’ Association and therefore reflects all opinions and aspects of nursing. It is the ambition of the association that all members can find informative content in the journal.

The journal is a forum for scholarly and social publishing on nursing. In the scholarly section of the journal are published peer-reviewed articles focused on all varieties of nursing.

It is the responsibility of the editor to ensure that all content, publishing, and management is in accordance with the journal’s editorial policy. The editor is responsible for the content to adhere to professional standards, correct use of Icelandic vernacular and style. Peer-reviewed articles must adhere to scholarly standards.

The Icelandic Nursing Association president is responsible for all social content, opinion pieces excluded. The authors of opinion pieces are responsible for their articles. Opinions expressed in the journals content are not mandated to adhere to the policy of the Icelandic Nurses Association.

Instructions to authors of peer-reviewed articles

Peer-reviewed articles

Peer reviewed articles are based on research, summaries, and theories. Peer-review is double blind, the author does not know the identity of the reviewer nor does the reviewer know the identity of the author. The process is designed to assess the validity, quality, and the originality of articles for publication.

Educational and social articles

Educational articles pertain to all subjects of nursing and are based on scholarly literature. The journal also publishes interviews with nurses. The social section of the journal addresses matters such as wages and events pertaining to the Icelandic Nurses’ Association.

Editorial board 2024-2025

Peer-review editorial board

Kristín Linda Hjartardóttir

Peer-review editorial board

Herdís Sveinsdóttir

Peer-review editorial board

Sigrún Sunna Skúladóttir

General editorial board

Sölvi Sveinsson

General editorial board

Ragnheiður Haralds Eiríksdóttir Bjarman

General editorial board

Helga Pálmadóttir

Peer-review editorial board

Þóra Jenný Gunnarsdóttir


Sigríður Elín Ásmundsdóttir